Venus, Earth, Planets
Climate Change Education .Org

Climate Change Research Conference
3rd Annual: Held September 2006
First year with science education materials

  Science > Conferences
  California Climate Change Conference > 2006

Hands-on science
from California's Museums

sample bottles --
fun teaching tool.

Sessions in main ballroom

Poster Session

Ben Santer
Lawrence Livermore Labs

Above: Images from
2006 Conference

Students, kids, families becoming involved in climate science with
hands-on education
2008 Conference Main Page     2008 Exhibits     2007 Photos
2007: Conference     2006: Third Annual Conference -- with Photos

At the Third Annual 2006 Conference, ClimateChangeEducation.Org and the University of California's
Lawrence Hall of Science presented educational material now available to the public in California. -- at the gracious invitation of conference organizers.

Sample resources came from:
• Museums and Science Centers
• K-12 Schools
• Undergraduate programs at the
   University of California
• Programs by City & State Agencies
• NGO's such as the
   Union of Concerned Scientists
• Films and Videos

Hundreds of conference attendees visited our table, including the keynote speakers themselves.

The hands-on science demonstration Global Warming Discovery was featured in Sacramento newspapers.


Sharing opportunities for partnerships
between education and research institutions is a main goal in our taking part in conferences like this..

Science researchers and educators need each other, and must work well with one another. For the science that reaches the public to be sound; and for the research to be understood, appreciated and supported by the people of California.

Funding is often more available when programs have both a research and education component.

Our volunteers help to bring education and science research programs on climate change together. Each has resources that the other lacks. Together, we are making great strides.


The conference's keynote speakers gave powerful messages on why it is so essential that education and research be linked.

James Hansen of NASA opened and closed his talk stressing education -- we must bring the science findings to the public..

Dr. Pachuari, Chairman of the IPCC expressed his personal interest in helping the education programs we featured at the conference to reach people, young and old, all over the world.


At this year's 4th Annual conference, ClimateChange looks forward to working with scores of educational institutions to bring an even richer array of educational materials.

Science demos: a way we're making the research accessible, involving, and fun.

Displays of educational material now reaching the public. Featuring curriculum by the University of California, Berkeley.

Hands-on science demonstration as at
Lawrence Hall of Science
California Academy of Sciences
Chabot Space and Science Center

Poster sesssion

Many researchers are enthusiatic about partnering with educational institutions.
The conference features essential scientific work that must reach the public.

Conference delegates we're able to experience some of the leading educational programs now available in California..

Session in the main ballroom. Raddisson Hotel, Sacramento.
